Last night, 13th October 2020 we hosted our usual weekly Lockdown Zoom Lodge, with 31 brethren in attendance, along with two guests.

However this wasn’t a normai, well at least not ‘New Normal’ normal, weekly meeting.
We were all delighted to attend a very special occassion. We were all there as Brother David Goldsbrough received his 50 year certificate EXACTLY 50 years to the day since he was initiated into Freemasonry.
It was lovely that the Master for the night, Brother Christian Higgins, is a personal friend of Bro. Goldsborough going back many, many years, and he was able to deliver a warm and very personal ‘toast’ to David. In return Bro David spoke about some of his time in The Craft and how much he has enjoyed from it.
Whilst not the ideal ceremony for such a wonderful achievement, it was definitely a special night.
Congrats, Bro David.