On Monday 22nd September 1947, at Great George Street in Leeds city centre The Lodge of Dawn was consecrated. On Tuesday 28th March 2023, at Castle Grove Masonic Hall the lodge celebrated its 75th anniversary.

Following a Second Degree ceremony, the brethren were joined by their wives and partners for a celebratory Festive Board. The room was festooned with balloons and table dressings supplied by Bro Jackson’s Balloonatix.

Following the Festive Board, The lodge’s longest serving Past Master, W Bro. Russell Graham, delivered a short history of the lodge, from its consecration to the current day.

TV’s famous auctioneer and Dawn member, W Bro. Gary Don then hosted an entertaining mock auction on a number of fascinating items that had come through his hands over the years.

The raffle raised £434 for the foodbank fund for Chapeltown Youth Development Centre that the lodge is currently supporting. This contributed to an order which will be delivered to CFYDC shortly. This brings our running total of £1,913 to date.

If you are not a Freemason and, having read the above, would like to find out more, read our Seven Reason to Join The Freemasons, our guide on ‘How to join The Freemasons‘ or our simple ‘What is Freemasonry?’ page.
And if you would like to join The Lodge of Dawn in Leeds, please feel free to get in touch via our ‘Contact Us’ page.