Visiting other lodges, both in Leeds and further afield, is one of the best parts of Freemasonry. Meeting new people, seeing ‘the same but different’ ceremonies and generally socialising with new people is what makes Freemasonry fun and interesting.
On 9th December three members of The Lodge of Dawn visited Baines Lodge, 7844 in St Annes, Blackpool for their Installation ceremony. In what can only be described as a masterclass in Masonic ritual, and in front of a packed lodge room, W Bro. John Lee installed W Bro. Ryan Modlin as his successor as Worshipful Master for the lodge’s Diamond Jubilee year.

W Bro. Lee, after opening the Lodge, welcomed W Bro. David John Winder as Principal Guest along with a plethora of Grand and Provincial Officers. In addition to ourselves there were additional visiting brethren from across Lancashire, Yorkshire and Cumbria.
The main event of installing Ryan Modlin as Master of Baines Lodge was exemplary and delivered with passion, warmth and genuine emotions. The night also included a eulogy in respect of the late Brian Tracey who had recently passed away, having devoted thirty years of his life to the lodge. The assembled brethren heard a fitting tribute to Brian’s legacy.
Following the ceremony everyone enjoyed an outstanding meal, along with toasts, and speeches from W Bro. Dave Winder, W Bro. John Lee, Worshipful Master Ryan Modlin and W Bro. David Thomas.
But the night wasn’t only about the men. The new ‘First Lady’, Mrs Vicky Modlin, had arranged for wives and partners, including the wives of the Lodge of Dawn representatives, to join her in a beautifully presented dining room where they enjoyed Prosecco and canapés leading to dinner at the same time as the Festive Board.
There was a raffle at each meal, with Lodge of Dawn ladies winning two prizes, and along with the collection in the lodge, the evening generated over £1,200 for charity, which will be shared among Masonic and non masonic charities, to be determined by Ryan and Vicky Modlin.
See the pictures below from what was a great masonic event.
Visiting other lodges is one of the highlights of Freemasonry. It is a major part of the social side of Freemasonry, giving everyone the opportunity to meet, and make new, friends and acquaintances as well as watching ‘same but different’ ceremonies. The Lodge of Dawn is very active in arranging lodge visits and you can read all about all of our most recent visits here.
If you are not a Freemason and, having read the above, would like to find out more, read our Seven Reason to Join The Freemasons, our guide on ‘How to join The Freemasons‘ or our simple ‘What is Freemasonry?’ guide.
And if you would like to join The Lodge of Dawn in Leeds, please feel free to get in touch via our ‘Contact Us’ page.