It is very easy and straightforward to join the Freemasons. There is a widespread misunderstanding over many masonic matters and that to become a Freemason one needs to be invited to join. This is simply not true. In fact it is the opposite; anyone who wishes to join The Freemasons simply needs to show an interest and enquire.

Before you decide that you want to join the Freemasons you may wish to look in a little more depth as to ‘What is Freemasonry’?. Once you have done that you may also wish to look into why people wish to join our Masonic family. Take a look at ‘7 reasons to join Freemasons’. If you still wish to join us, this page is for you!
How to join The Lodge of Dawn in Leeds is explained below;
Step 1 – Speak to a Freemason
Speak to a Freemason about Freemasonry. Most Freemasons are very happy to talk to you about what they get out of it, their experiences, all things masonic and your potential membership in the Freemasons. It could be a friend, a neighbour, a work colleague or a relative – you’ll be surprised how many Leeds Freemasons there are and they will be delighted to speak to you. If you don’t think you know any Freemasons yet, please feel free to read our website and find out more about becoming a Freemason.
Step 2 – Ask a Freemason to propose you
Ask any Freemason that you know that is a Freemason at The Lodge of Dawn, Leeds, to propose you. The Lodge of Dawn has a wide range of members, with a diverse array of professions, backgrounds and interests. If you do not know anyone at Dawn, talk to any Freemason, whether they are in Leeds or not. If you think you do not know any Freemasons please contact us, we can still invite you to join.
Step 3 – Come to an informal interview
You will be ‘proposed’ and ‘seconded’ to become a Freemason. You will then be invited for an informal interview with the Lodge committee (two or three senior members). This is a straight-forward chat and simply allows us to meet you and find out a little about you.
Step 4 – Get balloted at a meeting
Following your meeting with the committee you will be balloted during one of our regular lodge meetings by the members. Assuming that you are approved, you will then be invited to join. (Interestingly the ballot taken in lodge meetings is where the phrase ‘black-balled’ originates from).
Step 5 – Attend your initiation ceremony
You will be invited to a ceremony at The Lodge of Dawn where you will be formally initiated. You will then be on your way to becoming a fully fledged Freemason. The initiation ceremony is part of a series of three ceremonies known as ‘degrees’, after which you officially become a Freemason.
Having the read the above, if you want to join The Lodge of Dawn please contact us here.
If you have any further questions about becoming a Freemason either take a look at our ‘Seven Reasons to Join The Freemasons or see our FAQs page.
We look forward to seeing you at The Lodge of Dawn.
If you are not in Leeds, but are in West Yorkshire, you can also find out more about how to join the Freemasons here.