Now that the New Year has arrived we at the Lodge of Dawn Leeds are now getting ready for our annual New & Young Masons Night 2025. This will be our third year of this event and are really looking forward to welcoming some new (and some not so new) faces to our Lodge. There will be a First Degree Ceremony, extensive description of the Tracing Board by W Bro. Ian Schofield, and a lively Festive Board.
It is a well established custom in Freemasonry that visiting is at the heart of our masonic traditions. However, as many brothers new to masonry have found, it takes time to build up the connections to enjoy such visiting. So we have established our own annual New & Young Masons Night, enabling as many new masons to either invite or be invited to our Lodge. It’s the perfect way to really get to extend your circle.
By way of example, last year we saw 20 new & young junior masons, from 17 difference lodges in attendance (an almost a 50% increase on our first year’s attendance). This was only our second ever such event and it was considered a huge success. Along with more than 50 others, the guests experienced an expertly-delivered Second Degree ceremony, as well as a fascinating talk by W Bro. Tony Harvey PJGD (below), Prestonian 2012 lecturer, on the topic ‘Freemasonry; the next generation’.
With an open invitation to all, and in association with Leeds Light Blues, the aim of the event is to give new and junior masons the opportunity to meet others in a similar situation from other lodges from around the Province, and even further afield.

Booking and further details
If you would like to attend, please book here
This is an Open Invitation to all newer Masons from any lodge whether they are an EA, FC or MM, who have not been through The Chair, within Leeds and the surrounding area (Area 5, plus parts of Area 3). Members of Leeds Light Blues will also be in attendance. The Lodge of Dawn will ensure that as many of our new and younger and junior Masons are in attendance too, in order to welcome, meet and interact with everyone that attends.
The venue is Castle Grove Masonic Hall. Date: Tuesday January 28th. Time: 5.45 for a 6.15 start.
If you are a junior mason and would like to attend, please book here.
How new is new?
We would consider anyone who is not yet close The Chair as ‘newer’, or has recently joined Freemasonry, or hasn’t done a lot of visiting.
Where is this being held?
The Lodge of Dawn meets at Castle Grove Masonic Hall, Headingley LS6 4BP. Please see here for a map and details.
I’m an older ‘new’ mason. Can I attend?
Yes of course you can. The event is to encourage new masons to meet other new masons, irrelevant of age.
What is the Leeds Light Blues?
Formed in 2019, the Leeds Light Blues is a club for Freemasons and invited masonic candidates, around the Leeds and Wakefield area, to socialise, learn from and support each other at the start of their individual masonic journeys. The LLB is a complementary addition to a brother’s craft lodge experience. More details can be found here.
I’m not in Area 5. Can I attend?
Yes of course you can. We selected Area 5 as that is where we are based, and with travel distances in mind. But if you are anywhere in the Province of Yorkshire West Riding, or indeed anywhere else, you are more than welcome to attend. We would be delighted to see you.
I’ve never been to Castle Grove Masonic Hall. Where are the cloakrooms? Is there parking available?
The cloakrooms are up the stairs and to your left. Upon your arrival one of our brethren will be happy to assist you. There is free parking available at Castle Grove.
I’m thinking of staying over after the ceremony. Are there any hotels near by?
Yes there are. There is a Premier Inn just down the road from us and the Village Hotel up the road. Both are 3 minutes drive away. There is also Haleys Hotel, which is a privately owned country-style hotel just 4 minutes away. In addition, as we are in close vicinity to Headingley Stadium there are a wide variety of B&Bs and AirBnBs available too.
If you have any further questions regarding our New and Young Masons Night, in association with Leeds Light Blues, please contact us at
We look forward to a wonderful night of sincere and fraternal friendship and camaraderie.
Joining The Lodge of Dawn
If you are not a Freemason and, having read the above, would like to find out more, read our Seven Reason to Join The Freemasons, our guide on ‘How to join The Freemasons‘ or our simple ‘What is Freemasonry?’ page.
And if you would like to join The Lodge of Dawn in Leeds, please feel free to get in touch via our ‘Contact Us’ page.