After a two year hiatus due to the pandemic the Lodge was delighted to once again celebrate a Junior Master’s night in person, last night, 17th May. The last Junior Masters Night was performed via a Zoom meeting in May 2020; great but not the same as the ‘real thing’.
Commencing in 1958, Junior Master’s Night gives the brethren at the foot of the Masonic ladder the opportunity to demonstrate a First Degree ceremony in the main temple, in front of the whole Lodge. This year was very special as the five newest members of the Lodge, including three Fellowcrafts, took part in the ceremony.
But a ceremony like this doesn’t just happen. It takes months of planning, practice and hard work.
The process commences with Offices being filled and the ritual being allocated. Having watched the excellence of the ‘real’ Worshipful Master and his Officers perform three outstanding initiations in the Autumn the Juniors commenced rehearsals in January.
Initially the rustle of paper is heard in weekly practises as ritual is read, but over time the paper disappears and the only sound is the ever-improving ritual. As an added benefit, on the occasion a brother is unable to attend, another may be asked to fill in for him. During the process the recent initiates could even find themselves in a Warden’s chair. As one said “I was initiated in December and have never seen the opening of a Lodge…. and I’m now the Inner Guard and Tyler.”
The rehearsals run at the same time as the regular Lodge of Instruction and after their respective ceremonies the brethren often meet up to go for dinner; a great opportunity for the Juniors to engage with the longer serving members, and Officers, of The Lodge.
For the ceremony itself a mocked up summons is produced, a Festive Board at a local restaurant is booked (more about that later….), a toast list is arranged and invitations are sent out and finally the big night arrives….
On Wednesday night 40 brethren (Lodge members and guests) assembled in the Temple, but without regalia. To distinguish them, as our tradition dictates, all the Junior team members wear dinner dress. As the Director of Ceremonies called the brethren to order the Junior Master, walked in by his Deacons, was a bundle of nerves and struggled to remember his first line. But those nerves didn’t last long and from then on in he performed with confidence. One brother after another stepped forward and delivered his ritual and floor work. Each and every brother rose to the occasion and the ceremony was excellent. The three Fellowcrafts were nerveless and you would not have known that they have only been Freemasons for a few months. As one of them said, “I actually enjoyed it more so than I thought I would to be honest. I’d definitely do it again.”
Junior Preceptor, W Bro. David Myers said afterwards, “they did me proud, they did themselves proud and they did the Lodge of Dawn proud.”
Once the ceremony had finished, (well-deserved) congratulations were offered, photographs were taken and everyone set off for the short walk to a local restaurant for the Festive Board……
The Junior Master was last to arrive at the restaurant to find all the brethren milling around outside a darkened restaurant; they had a gas leak! Taking the initiative, everyone retired to the pub next door but it soon became clear that the planned Festive Board was not going to happen. The Junior Master sprang into action, and the result was that great meals were had at a number of other establishments (nowhere could accommodate everyone at the same time at short notice). One group stayed in the pub and came second in the weekly quiz.
As one visitor said “A great night; one which I can honestly say was one of the best Masonic evenings I have enjoyed. The company was superb. The Junior Master snatched victory from the jaws of defeat“. The Festive Board will be rearranged for another night after a Lodge of Instruction.
Junior Master, Andrew Ullman said, “All ranks had a good evening, and my team did a fabulous job. I thank everyone for their kind and supportive words…definitely a night to remember!“.
No-one will ever forget Junior Master’s Night 2022 and the bar has been set extremely high for the team of 2023.
You can also read Bro, Ullman’s thoughts about the whole Junior Master’s Night process and experience here.
Addendum – the Festive Board finally took place three weeks later – see here for the full report.
If you are not a Freemason and would like to find out more, read our Seven Reason to Join The Freemasons or our simple ‘What is Freemasonry?’ guide.
And if you would like to join The Lodge of Dawn in Leeds, please feel free to get in touch via our ‘Contact Us’ page.