Junior Masters Night 2023

On the evening of 16th May The Lodge of Dawn played host to our 65th Junior Masters Night. This an annual event, which gives the members of our lodge who are not yet ‘on the ladder’ (ie not holding office in regular lodge) an opportunity to perform a First Degree Ceremony in the main temple in front of the whole lodge along with their guests.

Gathering in dinner suits shortly after 5:30pm, the final few pieces of choreography were rehearsed and the junior brethren, under the ever-watchful eye of Preceptor of Junior Lodge, W Bro. David Myers, made themselves ready for what would be an exciting, challenging and thoroughly enjoyable evening.

Along with the brethren of The Lodge of Dawn and their guests, attendees to the ceremony included members of Grand Lodge, Provincial Grand Lodge, and a variety of lodges from across the Province who all came along to offer their encouragement support.

Bro David Jackson, whose role as Junior WM was twice delayed by the pandemic (and who even delivered a Zoom Junior Lodge during that time) entered the lodge accompanied by his Deacons and Director of Ceremonies to perform a ritual that was indistinguishable in quality from any regular lodge across the country. 17 Brothers – some with less than a year in Freemasonry along with some seasoned veterans – assisted the WM in the ‘initiation’ of the candidate for the night, W Bro. Gary Don.

Each member of Junior Lodge performed their ritual with confidence and poise, showing the time, effort, and dedication they had put into their weekly rehearsals which were always expertly precepted by W Bro. David Myers.

When the Lodge closed, Bro Martin Dootson, Junior Director of Ceremonies, led an evening of toasts and speeches at the festive board. Bro Jackson spoke of his journey to The Chair, the importance of the experience to him, and gave thanks to those who proposed and supported him in his journey.

A wonderful night was had by all, both by those performing and those attending, and a wonderful tradition continues. See the picture gallery below. And in addition, over £300 was raised in the charity raffle.

​Junior Master Dave Jackson said, “It has taken a long time for me to finally do this, but it was worth the wait, and the effort. I can only thank my whole team for each of their excellent performances, and to David Myers for his guidance and support. In addition it was great to see so many in attendance giving us their support and encouragement throughout the night. I can truly say it was a fantastic experience and one that all our junior brethren should have the opportu​​nity to experience.”

Junior Lodge Preceptor, W Bro. David Myers said, “​I was incredibly proud of each and every one of them. Their hard work, dedication and team spirit paid off with a marvellous ceremony.

You can also read about 2022’s event here.

Joining The Lodge of Dawn

If you are not a Freemason and, having read the above, would like to find out more about joining, read our Seven Reason to Join The Freemasons, our guide on ‘How to join The Freemasons‘ or our simple ‘What is Freemasonry?’ page.

And if you would indeed like to join The Lodge of Dawn in Leeds, please feel free to get in touch via our ‘Contact Us’ page.