Small but perfectly formed dog walk

Due to bad weather and bank holidays the regular dog walks with The Lodge of Dawn have been slightly less frequent recently. However last Sunday saw the latest Lodge of Dawn dog walk. Whilst we were few in number, it was till lots of fun. A cross-country trek, in Thorner, north Leeds, was the venue. … Read more

£30,000 grant for Meanwood Park Playground

Back in February 2020 one of the members of the Lodge of Dawn saw a news story in the Yorkshire Evening Post about a group of fed-up parents who had just launch an appeal to improve children’s playground. Under half a mile from our home at Castle Grove, Meanwood Park playground’s appeal sounded like the … Read more

75th Anniversary celebrations

On Monday 22nd September 1947, at Great George Street in Leeds city centre The Lodge of Dawn was consecrated. On Tuesday 28th March 2023, at Castle Grove Masonic Hall the lodge celebrated its 75th anniversary. Following a Second Degree ceremony, the brethren were joined by their wives and partners for a celebratory Festive Board. The … Read more

The Lodge of Dawn visits Edinburgh

Almost three years to the day since the Lodge of Dawn’s previous foreign trip, to Dublin, 16 brethren, plus four guests (from Zetland Lodge, the Lodge of Fidelity and Philanthropic Lodge) boarded a coach and headed north to Edinburgh. The first leg of the trip was brightened up by a quiz, arranged by resident quizmaster, … Read more

Leeds Masters Night 2023

Each masonic year the masters of 20 Leeds Freemasons’ lodges form what is known as the ‘Leeds Masters Circle’. Every master from each lodge during their year in The Chair hosts a ‘Masters Night’, inviting all of the other masters in his circle to a ceremony. Tuesday 28th February was The Lodge of Dawn’s Masters … Read more

The Lodge goes on a Spa visit

On Wednesday 15th February 16 brethren from The Lodge of Dawn ranging from our newest Fellowcraft to a Grand Lodge Officer descended upon Spa Lodge in Harrogate for a fraternal visit. The visit was arranged by our mutual member, W Bro. Derek Sendrove and the lodge Social Secretary, W Bro Philip Myers. The ceremony performed … Read more

Roundhay Bark

The last Sunday in January saw the latest Lodge of Dawn dog walk. The open spaces of Roundhay Park, in north Leeds, being the venue. Noah the Labrador, Barney the Spaniel, Ralph the Cavapoochon, Darcey the Cockerpoo, Ziggy the Doberman, Pippin the Dalmadoodle, Kali the Cockerpoo and Ted the Greyhound along with their owners, together … Read more