The Lodge backs Craic Packs

The Lodge of Dawn sponsored a grant of £5000 from the Masonic Province of Yorkshire West Riding via its Provincial Grand Master’s Fund, on behalf of Leeds Irish Health & Homes. The £5,000, delivered by Charity Steward W Bro. Michael Rose and Preceptor W Bro. Raymond Diamond (pictured above), has been used to fund food … Read more

More Dogs and more dawn

Following the success of the first monthly lodge dog walk, Sunday 17th December saw the second monthly dog walk of the year for the Lodge of Dawn, with a larger group than the previous month. Whereas last month’s walk was in bright but a bit wet conditions, this time it was woolly hats, scarves and … Read more

Supporting Chapeltown’s Let’s Eat foodbank

Looking around right now there is no shortage of groups who need a helping hand and we know that hundreds, maybe thousands, of families in Leeds are struggling. One of The Lodge of Dawn’s newest brethren, Bro Eóin Byrne, saw this situation and wanted to use the power of Freemasonry to make a difference. He … Read more

A visit to the seaside

Visiting other lodges, both in Leeds and further afield, is one of the best parts of Freemasonry. Meeting new people, seeing ‘the same but different’ ceremonies and generally socialising with new people is what makes Freemasonry fun and interesting. On 9th December three members of The Lodge of Dawn visited Baines Lodge, 7844 in St … Read more

Lighting up faces with the festive toy appeal

Freemasons from across Leeds have once again answered a call to ensure that hundreds of children from across the city will receive at least one present this festive season. The members of Lodges who meet in Headingly’s Castle Grove Masonic Hall have, as with previous years, donated a present or money to buy gifts, which … Read more

Supporting Yorkshire Brain Tumour Charity

At the November meeting, (the annual inter-visit with our mother lodge, Loyalty Lodge) £372 was collected via the charity raffle. The Worshipful Master nominated Yorkshire Brain Tumour Charity as his selected charity to receive the donation. The charity is very close the the Worshipful Master’s heart after the recent sad, untimely death of a very close … Read more

Mothers and daughters and a new brother

On Tuesday 22nd November, The Lodge of Dawn hosted our mother lodge, Loyalty Lodge no 4971, for our annual lodge inter-visit. Each year we invite the brethren of our mother lodge to join us and to attend our ceremony. This year 18 brethren from Loyalty Lodge joined us to witness a First Degree ceremony. It … Read more

Dogs and Dawn

Sunday 20th November saw the first monthly dog walk of the year for the Lodge of Dawn. Despite days and days of pouring rain, the weather held up and Noah the Labrador, Barney the Spaniel, Douglas the Bearded Collie, Milo the Labradoodle and Bertie the Bedlington Terrier along with their owners, together with two dogless … Read more

The 75th new Worshipful Master

A week after The Lodge of Dawn celebrated it’s 75th anniversary, on Thursday September 29th 2022, the 75th Master of The Lodge of Dawn was installed. Phil Fraser was installed into the Chair of King Solomon; the mantle being handed over by the now IPM, W Bro. Christian Higgins, in a ceremony attended by more … Read more

Lodge of Fidelity Pool Tournament

Historically the Freemason’s mantra has been ‘brotherly love, relief and truth’. It can be translated into a more modern definition of ‘Personal Integrity, Friendship, Mutual Respect and Charitable Giving’. The Freemasons is simply a fraternal society that offers the opportunity to expand your circle of friends as well as community fundraising and personal self development. … Read more