Castle Grove Toy Appeal 2020

The Lodge of Dawn has again shown it’s charitable giving by supporting the annual Castle Grove Toy Appeal, answering a call to ensure hundreds of children across Leeds will receive at least one present this festive season. As we all know, Castle Grove is currently closed due to the pandemic, so toy appeal co-ordinator organiser … Read more

The New (same) Lodge of Dawn Crest

As part of the ongoing development of The Lodge of Dawn 6511, we have had our crest re-drawn. It’s the same but it has been upgraded to modern graphic standards. The image that we were using before was a scan of the Lodge medal. As you might expect, some of the detail of the original … Read more

Zoom Lodge Inter-visit

Ever since the first lockdown The Lodge of Dawn have been holding weekly Zoom Lodge meetings. Whilst not the same as meeting in person, they have been a great way for the Lodge brethren to keep in touch, to support each other, have a bit of fun and ensure our masonic bonds remain strong. On … Read more

50 year Anniversary

Last night, 13th October 2020 we hosted our usual weekly Lockdown Zoom Lodge, with 31 brethren in attendance, along with two guests. However this wasn’t a normai, well at least not ‘New Normal’ normal, weekly meeting. We were all delighted to attend a very special occassion. We were all there as Brother David Goldsbrough received … Read more

Masonic Charitable Foundation appointment

The Lodge of Dawn is proud and delighted United Grand Lodge Of England (UGLE) have confirmed the appointment ofW Bro. Dr. Simon M Fellerman, PAGDC, PPJGW as both a Board Member and Trustee of the Masonic Charitable Foundation,and also Chairman of the Masonic Support Committee. This is a reflection of the enormous amount of time … Read more

Local community grant for MAP charity

One of the key tenets of Freemasonry is charitable giving, along with supporting the local community, and we at The Lodge of Dawn has been doing exactly that during lockdown. Alongside our regular charitable giving we have facilitated a grant to a local community support service for young people. The Lodge of Dawn made an … Read more

A Lodge in Lockdown

Freemasonry, above all, is a social activity. We meet on a monthly basis for ceremonies, we meet frequently for practices and we meet semi-frequently for social occasions. With lockdown, none of these have been possible. So what does a Lodge in lockdown look like? One would assume that such a situation would signal the temporary … Read more

Hand in Glove – Freemasons’ white gloves

It is well known that Freemasons wear white gloves. However many people, both in Freemasonry and outside do not know why. The wearing of gloves is a practice inherited from operative masons, who wore them to protect their hands, and were oftensupplied by their employers at the start of each building project; sometimes by way … Read more