Provincial Grandmaster visits the lodge

The April meeting of the Lodge of Dawn saw the visit of The Provincial Grandmaster, James Newman OBE. This was the first formal visit of a sitting Provincial Grandmaster to the lodge for many years.

The PGM was accompanied into the temple by two of his Company of Stewards (pictured below), followed in by the lodge’s two Grand Lodge officers and a number of Provincial Grand Officers.

Worshipful Master, Frank Rosenhead, as tradition dictates, offered The Provincial Grandmaster the gavel, which he politely declined. W Bro. Rosenhead then went on to deliver a wonderful Third Degree raising ceremony, ably supported by a number of brethren.

PGM visit to Leeds Lodge of Dawn
The Company of Stewards
PGM visit to Leeds Freemasons lodge, The Lodge of Dawn
WM Frank Rosenhead greets the PGM

On completion of the ceremony, and to everyone’s surprise, The Provincial Grandmaster promoted Bro Roy Novis, as a field promotion, for his work over many years as treasurer of Loyalty Chapter to the rank of Past Provincial Standard Bearer.

Leeds Freemason receives award
Bro Roy Novis receives his promotion

(All pictures by Howard Barnett).

The evening was completed with a festive board full of companionship and brotherly love.

Joining The Lodge of Dawn

If you are not a Freemason and, having read the above, would like to find out more, read our Seven Reason to Join The Freemasons, our guide on ‘How to join The Freemasons‘ or our simple ‘What is Freemasonry?’ page.

And if you would like to join The Lodge of Dawn in Leeds, please feel free to get in touch via our ‘Contact Us’ page.