Second Degree, 11 Masters and 70 years

Tuesday February 25th saw Worshipful Master Mark Gaftarnik conducted his first Second Degree ceremony of the Masonic year 2024/25.

The Lodge of Dawn 6511 saw Bro. Mark Raw become a Fellowcraft Freemason. His answers to the ten questions were perfect.

Mark said “ As I now start to work towards my Raising in May, I have the benefit of looking back at my short journey so far; to reflect on the many new brothers I have found along the way, the new skills, understandings and learnings gained. The support, guidance, and approbations received from the brethren these past 6 months has been very humbling.I am very much looking forward to many years in freemasonry, what it gives me, and importantly what I can give back to it “.

Mark is a great credit to the Lodge of Dawn and we see him as a great role model for any new Freemason. He clearly studies hard and will no doubt enjoy climbing the lodge ladder.

The Lodge, as usual, was very well attended and a great Festive Board was enjoyed.

11 Masters of the Leeds Lodges attended, and W Bro. Jeff Hilman presented Bro. Anthony Jacobs with a 70 year certificate.  Quite a rare treat!

We must also thank W. Bro Howard Barnett for his predictably excellent photography. Howard’s work can be found at

 WM Mark Gaftarnik with Bro. Mark Raw – becoming a Fellowcraft Freemason.

W Bro. Jeff Hilman presented Bro. Anthony Jacobs with a 70 year certificate. 

11 Master of The Leeds Lodges

If you are not a Freemason and, having read the above, would like to find out more, read our Seven Reason to Join The Freemasons, our guide on ‘How to join The Freemasons‘ or our simple ‘What is Freemasonry?’ page.

And if you would like to join The Lodge of Dawn in Leeds, please feel free to get in touch via our ‘Contact Us’ page.