Welcoming a new brother – Michael Woolfe

Tuesday December 17th saw Worshipful Master Mark Gaftarnik, initiate his second new brother of the Masonic year 24/25.The Lodge of Dawn welcomes new brother, Michael Woolfe. The Initiation ritual was impeccable.

Proposed by W Bro. Rob Phillips, Michael said he really enjoyed the experience. “I came to the Lodge this evening determined to enjoy the experience. Although I had little knowledge of what was happening, as soon as I saw familiar faces I felt so welcome and supported.” Michael has his own online will-writing business and employs 14 at his Leeds office.

Once ritual was complete and customary photographs were taken by our very own W Bro. Howard Barnett we were joined in the bar by the incredibly talented Oliver Parker who had been invited in to impress all brethren with speed, dexterity and magical wonderment. Oliver was charming, deft and unbelievable – a real treat to watch! He managed to turn Bro. Rosenbloom’s £5 into euros, bend a 50p piece whilst being held by brother W Bro. Philip Fraser and place a player card with Bro. Woolfe’s name on it into his wallet without him knowing!

Along with the usual Entered Apprentice song, a wonderful festive board and raffle, Bro. Michael Woolfe made his welcoming speech. “Thank you all for being so friendly and welcoming. I very much look forward to many more nights like this one.”

W. Bro. Russell Graham, who last month celebrated 50 years at the Lodge of Dawn said “Welcome Bro. Michael. It’s 50 years since I was welcomed – all being well, one day you will be able to say the same”.

What wonderful sentiment.

All our images are by Howard Barnett www.howardbarnetphotography.com

And Oliver Parker can be found at https://www.leedsmagician.co.uk/contact

Joining The Lodge of Dawn

If you are not a Freemason and, having read the above, would like to find out more, read our Seven Reason to Join The Freemasons, our guide on ‘How to join The Freemasons‘ or our simple ‘What is Freemasonry?’ page.

And if you would like to join The Lodge of Dawn in Leeds, please feel free to get in touch via our ‘Contact Us’ page.

B Michael Woolfe and W.M Mark Gaftarnick

Oliver Parker with Bro Michael Woolfe

“Happy have we met, happy have we been…”